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  • kristin412

A Different Kind of Holy Week

Dear Young Professional,

As we just completed Holy observances across a spectrum of religions, for some their religion is sport. In fact, there is a documentary series titled The Religion of Sport which highlights a variety of traditional and non-traditional sports and their history.

This week is the first Major Tournament of the golf world, and for many there is no holier ground than Augusta National. If you are a golf fan you know this to be true, if not tune in, the imagery is spectacular and the story lines compelling.

Will Rory be the 6th golfer ever in the history of the sport to complete the Grand Slam?

Will Tiger Woods achieve redemption and reach the top after a hiatus of years due to scandal and injury?

Will one of the younger golfers from your generation, Justin Thomas, snatch the #1 ranking with a win?

Many of my friends and some of my family cannot understand why on this most special of golf weekends, I deliberately slow down and dedicate much of my time to watching this tournament. They think watching grass grow would be more stimulating.

Let me share what I think you can learn from this event if you invest to watch a little.

What it Takes to be #1?

  • Focus, you will see it on the player’s faces

  • A repeatable process as they prepare for a drive off the tee, or line up a putt on the green

  • Handling adversity, whether caused by bad decision making or poor luck

Flawless Execution

  • With thousands of volunteers and staff, everyone is aware and committed to the outcome  desired – the venue is immaculate

  • Attention to detail: Sandwiches wrapped in green cellophane paper as a nod to the revered event color and so litter (should that unlikely event occur) will not be visible on TV

  • The shopping experience: from storing, packaging and shipping everything has been thought of for you. No need to carry around “stuff” look at the galleries you will not see “stuff” interfering with the experience

A Display of Respect in “Spades”

  • Respect for the GAME – there is an inherent honesty from players, took an extra stroke no one saw? Addressed the ball and it moved? A player would self-report and put on his card at the end of the round and count the stroke.

  • Respect for and from the GALLERIES: for most people attending the Masters is a “bucket-list” event. Golfers truly enjoy the support from the fans and they show their support by managing collective silence as to not to disturb the golfer’s focus.

  • Respect for the Rules: Sincere understanding that rules are what makes the game great, steeped in tradition, honor and meant to enhance not discourage the game’s experience.

If nothing else, during these shared and somewhat turbulent current times due to school shootings, chaotic political events and more, maybe 20 minutes to transport yourself to another place via TV is not such a bad thing.

I consider it a form of meditation. Try it… you might surprise yourself!

Fondly, Aunt Kris

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