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Isn’t it time for you to enjoy

Savory Success...

                      in your career and life?


It’s hard to get ahead in today’s workplace—especially as a young professional—but it doesn’t have to be. 


You can get noticed and get ahead by crafting your own personal brand and recipe for success. Yes, that’s right. It’s possible to check off those big career goals and earn the salary you’ve always wanted to make your professional and personal life delicious with adventures, college funds, and more!

It’s time for you to get the ingredients you need
to impress executive leadership and whip up your next promotion.

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Hi, I'm Kristin,

In my twenties and throughout my career, I was THAT person—moving up the corporate ladder at lightning speed.

As soon as I figured out how to drive my personal brand, the competition came knocking and offered me a position that accelerated my earnings and put me on the fast-track for success.

By my thirties, I was promoted to leadership roles and my success allowed me to get my dream car, a beachfront apartment, traveling at home and abroad, and dining at some of the finest restaurants. I also found the love of my life and added “trained chef” to my list of achievements.  

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In other words, for the last thirty years,
I have been getting noticed and getting ahead
and creating a delicious career and life...

So, how did I do it?

The truth is I had something most young professionals don’t—I had really outstanding mentors whose wisdom helped me navigate every challenge young professionals face. Instead of stuttering, stalling, or second-guessing, I relied on the sage wisdom and resources I had at my fingertips... and I soared to the

executive suite rapidly.

Quickly, I became the go-to person for everyone else who was struggling to advance their career.

Young professionals began knocking on my door and asking me how I did it and

what they could do to get unstuck, get noticed, and get ahead. 

I quickly realized young professionals are missing some of the ingredients that were

available to me, and I decided it was time for me to do something about it.

Welcome to...

Savory Success Cafe



I began inviting young professionals to join me for coffee, lunch, or even a cooking session, so I could get to know them and help them articulate their personal brand. 

Eventually, I decided to create an online cafe where young professionals could “sit across the table” from me and others who share their passion for achievement and advancement. 

This is the space in which we all have those conversations about what it takes to succeed, share the knowledge and tools that accelerate the process, refine their recipes for success together, and even share resources they have found helpful.

If you are a young professional who is hungry for advancement, this is the place for you. 

Grab your favorite hot drink and join us for the first step!

Register for my online course
Achieving Career Success

Investment: $397

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